Where To Start – How to Set and Achieve Realistic Physical Therapy Goals

3 guidelines to set and achieve realistic physical therapy goals

Where to start Breathe. Physical Therapy & Wellness

We get it – you’re busy, overwhelmed, pulled in a million and one directions. And you’re trying to tackle self-care. Having trouble sticking with it? Use these 3 guidelines to set and achieve realistic physical therapy goals that fit your schedule.

Don’t Overextend Yourself.

How much time do you really have? 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes? Evaluate your typical day.  Look for areas where you already have open time or where you can easily rearrange your schedule to set yourself up for success. Communicate the time you actually have available, we want your goals to be achievable without adding stress.


What do you really, really, really want to achieve? Focus on 1-2 top goals at a time. This helps us direct interventions and potential “homework” toward whatever is most important to you. Plus it reinforces your brain to do the work. Don’t get bogged down by all the small things, zero-in on your priority. Once you achieve it, then move on to the next goal. It can take as quickly as 18 days to create a habit!

Stack Your Habits.

What do you already do consistently? Think about things like brushing your teeth or making your morning coffee. We all have things that we do at the same time every day. Pair your physical therapy stretches and exercises with the routines that you’re already consistently doing. It will be easier to remember, and you’re more likely to have greater success. That success tells your brain that you can do good things for yourself!

You Got This! Breathe. Physical Therapy & Wellness Is Here To Support Your PT Goals.

We’re here for you, wherever you’re at in your self-care journey. Physical therapy should not be overwhelming. We get it – life gets in the way sometimes. We want to help you achieve your goals at your pace to feel your best. Let’s tackle those self-care goals together – one step at a time.

Remember: In the state of Iowa you do not need a referral to see a physical therapist! Just call us, and we’ll get you in. We can’t wait to meet you!

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