Breastfeeding Pain Relief
Ultrasound therapy for clogged ducts
How Physical Therapy Helps with Clogged Milk DuctsBy Breathe. Physical Therapy & Wellness StaffTaking care of mamas so they can provide nutritious breast milk to their babies is super important. Physical Therapists at our locations in Des Moines, North Liberty,...
How to Increase Milk Supply Quickly When Breastfeeding
How do I increase my milk supply?I often get this question from my clients who are nursing mothers. The question I always want to ask them is why do you think your supply is low? If your baby is gaining weight on breast milk alone then you do not have a problem with...
How to Minimize the Aches of Breastfeeding
Posture, Stretching and Foam Rolling to Make it Easier on Your BodySome women can breastfeed without any troubles at all. For other women, it is a struggle and everything about it is hard. We can’t help with latching and milk production, but here are a few tricks to...