The Benefits of Walking Barefoot: A Physical Therapist’s Perspective As a Doctor of Physical Therapy, we often emphasize the importance of movement for overall health, but have you ever considered the benefits of being barefoot? While shoes provide protection and...
Pessary for Pelvic Organ Prolapse What Pessaries Are Used For and How They Work Have you been to the gynecologist after feeling ‘something falling out down there’, and they told you that you have a prolapse? If you’ve been diagnosed with a prolapse, you have might...
Hey awesome moms! Being a mom is like having a colorful, ever-spinning top – sometimes it feels a bit wobbly. We get it, and today, let’s talk about how to catch that wobbly top, have a giggle, and remind ourselves that it’s okay not to be perfect. What is...
Opening my own business, Breathe. Physical Therapy & Wellness, in November 2016 never seemed like much of a risk. I had an established self-referral client base, a visionary business partner, a supportive husband with a great job and Professional Yoga Therapy...
3 Things Contributing to Your Pelvic Pain That Aren’t Inside Your Pelvis Surprising Things That May Be Causing Pelvic Pain Pelvic pain that feels like lightning crotch, heaviness, sciatica, vaginismus are so frustrating and sometimes isolating. Our bodies are...
Postpartum: Is It Safe To Do Planks and Crunches? Avoid This Mistake To Safely Recover Your Core Wondering if planks and sit-ups are okay after having a baby? Worried about a diastasis recti abdominis (DRA) and weak or bulging ab muscles? The internet is a scary...