Vulvas Are Unique: What They Are & How They’re Different

what is a vulva and how everyone's is unique - how to wash your vulva

Is that what it’s supposed to look like down there?” – YES!

Ever meet a friend out for dinner and talk about your vulva like you do about your current skincare routine? Probably not! 

Internally, many people feel uncertain or insecure because they think their vulva looks different from what they’ve seen in the media or heard from others. But here’s the truth: every vulva is different, and that’s perfectly normal.

What Is a Vulva?

The vulva refers to the external genital organs of a female, including the labia (inner and outer lips), clitoris, and vaginal opening. Many people misuse the word “vagina” to describe this entire area, but the vagina is actually just the internal canal, while the vulva is everything on the outside!

How Do Vulvas Differ?

Just like eyebrows, hands, or any other part of our bodies, vulvas come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Here are some common ways vulvas can differ:

Labia Size and Shape

The labia majora (outer lips) and labia minora (inner lips) can vary greatly. Some people have larger inner labia that extend past the outer labia, while others have smaller or shorter ones. Neither is “better” or “more normal.” Both are perfectly healthy.


Vulvas can range in color from light pink to dark brown, and the color can vary even within one person’s vulva. Hormonal changes, skin tone, and genetics all play a role in this natural difference.


Some people have smoother skin around the vulva, while others may notice small bumps or folds. These textures are usually harmless and normal, caused by hair follicles, glands, or natural skin variations.

Clitoral Size

The clitoris, which is responsible for sexual pleasure, can be more prominent in some people and smaller in others. It’s hidden under the clitoral hood but may appear differently depending on the person. Regardless of its size, the clitoris functions the same way for everyone.


It’s common for the labia to be uneven. One side might be larger or shaped differently than the other, just like how one foot or breast might be slightly different from the other!

Breathe. Physical Therapy & Wellness Supports Vulvar Health

While there’s a wide range of what’s normal when it comes to appearance, it’s important to pay attention to your vulvar health. Changes in color, texture, or unusual discomfort (e.g. itching, burning, redness) could indicate an infection or other underlying health issue. If you notice significant changes or experience pain, it’s always a good idea to consult your healthcare professional. If you’re unsure, reach out to us! We would be happy to provide some guidance or answer any further questions! With offices located in central and eastern Iowa (Des Moines and North Liberty), we’d love to help.

Conclusion: Celebrate Your Unique Body

There’s no “perfect” vulva, just like there’s no perfect body. Every vulva is unique, differing in shape, size, and color. Embracing and accepting these differences is a big part of self-love and body confidence.

Remember that your vulva is unique to you!  It’s as unique as your facial features, smile, laugh and personality! Celebrate that, because it’s a beautiful thing.

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