Planned C-Section Guide
How To Prepare And Recover Fearlessly

Ebook: Planned C-Section Guide
By Dr. Molly Lechtenberg
$27.99 eBook
In the United States, nearly one out of three women deliver their babies via cesarean section. Much like vaginal birth, women often have no idea what to expect before, during, or after — at least not truly helpful, real-life information.
This outstanding resource delivers everything you need to have the fearless, planned c-section you deserve.
Author Dr. Molly Lechtenberg unites her personal experience with a traumatic first birth and subsequent peaceful, planned c-section with her deep understanding of prenatal and postpartum physical therapy in over 10 years of experience.
Cesarean birth doesn’t have to be scary.
With this incredible guide you will:
- Understand the importance and mechanics of proper breathing to prevent:
- anxiety
- back pain
- poor digestion
- sleep problems
- many others
- Identify your pelvic floor muscles and learn to easily relax and contract them
- Perform simple exercises designed to prepare your body before your planned c-section
- Understand how to ask for peaceful practices in the operating room
- Feel empowered and in charge of your own health care decisions and outcomes
- Learn movement techniques to safely mobilize your body while your incision heals
- Understand the importance of c-section scar mobilization and how to perform it on yourself
- Be able to safely return to exercise after birth
This powerful guide includes images and videos to visualize and practice each section. Put your new tools to work immediately!
Make your planned c-section the most optimal birth experience and recovery you can imagine.
You deserve to birth fearlessly.