3 Things Contributing to Your Pelvic Pain That Aren’t Inside Your Pelvis

Surprising Things That May Be Causing Pelvic Pain

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Pelvic pain that feels like lightning crotch, heaviness, sciatica, vaginismus are so frustrating and sometimes isolating.   Our bodies are connected in so many ways and healing pelvic pain involves more than just dealing with the pelvic floor.   One of the main modalities you should seek out on your journey to reduced pelvic pain is trigger points dry needling, in addition to the stretches below.  

Listed are 3 areas that can impact pelvic pain + tips on how you can help yourself out!

1. Inner Thigh Muslces (also known as adductors)

These muscles refer pain right to the pelvic region. After all, one of the places they attach is the pubic bone. Hello round ligament pain for all the pregnant mamas out there! Try the stretch below to help loosen those muscles up.  In addition to a stretch like the one below, massaging the inner thigh muscles is another good way to deal with the muscle restrictions that refer pain to the pelvis.  

side stretch tight hamstrings breathe physical therapy des moines west des moines

2. Tight Butt Muscles

If we have pelvic pain, we can’t ignore the muscles surrounding the outside of the pelvis. Believe it or not, some hip muscles are also pelvic floor muscles.  Got a pain in your butt?  Or seems like you’re always crossing one leg over the other?  Check out the stretch below- compare one side to the other.  Is there a difference?  If it feels like you stretch and stretch this muscle and it still hurts.  Finding a provider who is great at trigger point dry needling is a great way to get those muscles to loosen.  

figure four stretch for tight glutes breathe physical therapy des moines west des moines

3. Restrictions Through The Tummy

Have you had a c-section recently or another major abdominal surgery like a hysterectomy or even endometriosis?  These conditions are often accompanied by stomach muscle tension.  One way to stretch these muscles from the inside is with “sandbag breathing.”  Place a 3-5 pound object on your stomach and breathe in to make your stomach get really big and fat and make the object rise to the ceiling.  Repeat for 5 minutes.  You might also like to massage your own stomach.  Make small circles with your fingers and work through your entire abdomen. You might be surprised by the relief you feel!

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Our women’s and pelvic pain experts in Des Moines, North Liberty, Cedar Rapids & Iowa City are well trained in addressing these kinds of problems in a sensitive and welcoming environment. As always, we are here for you through every step of YOUR journey. If these tricks don’t work for you, we have many more ideas up our sleeves that might be the ticket to your pelvic pain relief. Give the office a call to set-up your appointment today!

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